Monday Jul 03, 2023

EP#2 Reclaim Your Power

Have you unplugged from your power source? So many of us consider power to be associated with ego maniacs and greed. The truth is, coming back into alignment with our power is essential for co-creating the new paradigm of heaven on earth. POWER is safe for those who are properly grounded with pure intentions to honor the sovereignty in others. If you have disconnected from your power, it is time to reclaim it for the highest and best good of all!! How do you do this? You do it through the power of your will. Join us for this episode which is all about power! Then in Episode 3, we will talk all about using the Power of Will! Will Power is what we all must use to take back our power! But first, we must identify how we personally feel about power. Are you willing to take back your power and release all victimhood?

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